1. ACS courier is used for our shipments in Greece.

Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Your order will be shipped within 48 hours. Delivery is accomplished in 1-4 working days starting from the shipment day in most regions.

In cases of non-stock product you will be informed of the exact day of delivery. In cases your order cannot be executed, due unexpected circumstances (bad weather conditions, strikes etc.) you will be contacted so as you can let us know if you wish the completion of your order. Please note that for distances longer than 20 kilometers far from cities where there is a branch of the logistic company the delivery of your product may be further delay.

2. Shipping abroad

Shipping abroad is handled by ACS Courier or DHL. Charges differ according to the destination country, size and weight of the package.Delivery is accomplished in 5-15 working days starting from the shipment day in most regions.



1. Bank deposit

You can choose the most convenient bank to deposit the amount of your order. Your full name must be given as the reason of the transaction on the deposit receipt.

For faster accomplishment of your order you sent us the receipt of the deposit at our Mail :

Our bank accounts you can use to proceed with a payment are:

PIRAEUS BANK : IBAN GR6201726100005610090464770

ALPHA BANK : IBAN GR 5501403100310002786017098

2. Via online payment in our website .

3. Via pay on delivery



If a customer is not satisfied with his/her purchase he/she is entitled to return the item within 7 calendar days from the date of delivery of the order. Within this period the customer may return the item and opt for an exchange with another size of the same product. In order to retain the above rights the customer must always keep the receipt along with the item purchased. In case of exchange the customer will not bear additional charges other than delivery expenses. In the case where the customer receives the item from SOGNANTE and returns the item himself, he will not be burdened with delivery expenses. We accept only items which have not been used, have been returned in their original packaging and have been found in perfect condition to the satisfaction of SOGNANTE. In all of the above cases product returns are the responsibility of the customer and product exchange apply only to size changes and not product changes. SOGNANTE has the right to refuse to serve customers, who abuse the rights to cancel orders.